Your 5 friends who want a Window Film this Holiday Season

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Your 5 friends who want a Window Film this Holiday Season

This Holiday season Permat Window Film Expressions Inc is here to help you navigate your gift list. We believe the Window Film is one of the most personal and unique gifts you can give. We have identified 5 of your friends who would love to get gift cards for window film from you! We are selling gift cards starting at $300! These are gift cards that can be used for home or business window decals, window tint, window film and wall photos! We have made a list of who this would make an ideal gift for. 

The hard to buy for person 

She has everything and always tells you not to worry about presents. This year surprised her with a gift that is thoughtful and personal. With window film or wall art she can showcase what is important to her in her home.  

This year, she is the easiest person to buy, this gift card will allow her to create in a way she never thought was possible! 

Your busines associate who just moved to a new location 

Starting a new business, opening a storefront, or moving to a new location all offer new challenges. One such challenge, which we have discussed before, is making sure you are seen. Drawing eyeballs to your business is important if you want customers!  

The Window Film is a unique gift for business owners that shows you are actively interested in their success. 

Your friend who is going through a transitional period in her life 

Life is rife with transition! It could be a couple moving in together, kids leaving home or even divorced. Any of these events leave a person wanting to mark their territory. Window films will allow them the opportunity to express their new life!  

Help your friend create a sanctuary in their own home!  

The artist 

You know the one. She has her art everywhere! On the walls, on canvases cluttered throughout her home, and under your Christmas tree if you are lucky! We could take one of her favorites works of art and put it onto her window or blow it up for an accent wall.  

She will love you even more for the interest you show in her work! 

The new home owner 

Moving to a new home is exciting! It is a fresh start, and quite literally a blank canvas. Putting beautiful pictures onto a window, or a wall will allow your friend to personalize their new space. Window films’ ability to keep heat in the room will also help your friend save on pesky heating bills! 

Window Film promises the new homeowner the ability to be the master of their domain! 

Holiday gift lists for friends can be some of the trickiest to navigate during the holiday season. You want to be personal, unique, and original; Window Film is the perfect gift for the friends on your list who value the ability to express themselves. Email or call us on (780) 707-3388 to order your gift certificate today! 

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